08 July 2008

for those who asked

I finally uploaded photos of my recent trips to the US (starting here, scrolling forward) and to Estonia/Finland, and finally a bit of more locally available highland charm (scroll forward).

Hopefully that saying about a picture being worth a thousand words will hold in this case since my time is currently devoted to putting things in various satchels and portmanteaus as I prepare for a trio of trips. More on those thrills as they unfold.


Anonymous said...

Sweet, I'm looking forward to reading you :)

SOe said...

Great pictures! ... and: Bon voyage! Goða ferð! Gute Reise! Good journey! Buen Viaje! Buon viaggio! ... Sorry,I forgot my knowledge in Russian!

Anonymous said...

Absolutely gorgeous. Thank you!

-Sarah :O)

Food, she thought. said...

your pictures are breathtaking, E. i would love to see some more shots of germany.

arachesostufo said...

Islanda is one of more beautifoul lands in the world, I dream for the next year a travel in this country. Ciao da venezia, italia

Anonymous said...

Martha's Vineyard is one of my favorite places in MA! These are some gorgeous shots!

Anonymous said...

Did you stop blogging?