29 May 2008

yeah, I felt it

Apparently both the BBC and CNN thought our lil afternoon delight was newsworthy enough to report worldwide, so I figured I'd just mention to all my worried email-writers that yep, we felt it plenty well here in my office building, and a thing or two fell over, but otherwise nobody did a thing, and it's business as usual here in the capital area.

Reports from further east are still arriving so I still don't know the extent of what happened there, but the only picture Morgunblaðið has posted yet doesn't show much damage. Hopefully this is a properly representative photo and nothing horrible has happened.

This was not the first earthquake I've experienced here, but the one two years ago was only a 4.2, and the latest reports from the USGS have upgraded the one today to a 6.2.


Anonymous said...

Thank you for the prompt post. Hope all is well with those near the epicenter.

Food, she thought. said...

sometimes the earth shifts.

tsduff said...

I'm jealous :)

Wonder if Thingviller moved up a notch.

SOe said...

I felt it too :-) My first "real" earthquake (not caused by some explosions on construction sites).

Anonymous said...

I didn't feel a thing from my building in Borgatún. :(
But since whenever my boss is walking around the office everything is shaking around I'm wondering if that didn't help...

I heard that Geysir has been awaken because of it and that Strokkur is far mor powerful now.

Anonymous said...

Scary stuff! I'm glad to hear you're all right, though. So many big earthquakes lately, can't help to wonder if California is next!

-Sarah :O)