16 March 2007

sjúdúp- sjúpídú

Well, it's that time of year again, and this year for the song portion of the evening, we're doing acapella do-wop, or sjúpidúwop if you want to be Icelandic about it. My division of the company is a font of tuneful talent, so all us choristers have been roped together with The Famous K as the rhythm-driving finger-snapper.

It's very surreal to be standing next to your manager while he sjúdúps away, and after an hour of singing nothing but that this afternoon, I dissolved into giggles, still holding the mike while everyone else kept on sjúdúping. Such is life in Iceland.


Darien Fisher-Duke said...

Too much fun! Closest thing we get to that here is the teacher dance during a pep rally at my high school, or the teacher skit at the talent show (sigh). Sounds like y'all do it right!

ECS said...

rose: it was a blast, especially since we won for the second year in a row and got to sing it twice. I hope we can do it again next year!